Which is better, cream or powder contour products, and why? - Beauty Banter - Klever Community

Which is better, cream or powder contour products, and why?

Asked a year ago

Hey community, Cream or powder contour products – that's been a debate in my mind. Which do you think is better, and why? I'm hoping to understand the pros and cons of both options. Thanks for helping a fellow makeup enthusiast out.

Marianne Townsend

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Hi! I don’t believe one is better than the other. This is all based on your personal preference for how you like your makeup to feel on your face, how it looks, and the manner in which it is applied. Here is a pros and cons list, and you can base your opinion on this:

Cream contour


  • Easy to blend
  • Natural and dewy finish
  • Great for mature or dry skin


  • Not great for oily skin
  • Feels heavy on the skin
  • Not great for beginners

Powder contour


  • Applies and blends quickly
  • Perfect for beginners
  • Lightweight
  • Great for oily skin


  • Can easily look muddy
  • Can emphasize texture

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