What are some tips for creating a smokey eyes using soft, smudged eyeliner? - Beauty Banter - Klever Community

What are some tips for creating a smokey eyes using soft, smudged eyeliner?

Asked 9 months ago

Hi, Do any of you have tips or techniques that work well for achieving that classic smokey look with eyeliner? I'm particularly interested in how to create that beautiful smudge without going overboard. Thank you in advance!

Anaya Moses

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Hey! Okay, so there are 4 things you need. You will need a creamy eyeliner pencil, a pencil eyeshadow brush, a smudge brush, and your choice of cleaning tools, such as makeup wipes or cotton buds.

After you have applied your creamy eyeliner pencil, you can then go ahead and choose a smudge brush or pencil brush. Lightly smudge the edge of the eyeliner with your preferred brush, and this shouldn’t be too hard if you have used a creamy eyeliner pencil. If you wish to have a more dramatic smokey look, then you can use a fluffier eyeshadow brush to smudge the eyeliner.

Once you are happy with how smokey your eyeliner looks, you can go ahead and wipe away the excess with makeup wipes or cotton buds. I usually only clean up the bottom of the wing for a sharper and neater look.

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