How do you choose the right eyeliner style to complement your eye shape? - Beauty Banter - Klever Community

How do you choose the right eyeliner style to complement your eye shape?

Asked a year ago

Hey there, I'm keen to learn about choosing the right eyeliner style to enhance my almond eye shape. Could you share your tips and tricks for this? Thanks in advance for your insights!

Ana Mack

Friday, October 27, 2023

Hey, so in general, when choosing the style of eyeliner for yourself, you need to determine your eye shape and how much eyelid space you have. For example, if you have a hooded, downturned eye shape, you may find that a thick cat eye is not very flattering for your eyes compared to a thin, winged eyeliner that will ultimately lift your eyes and give you the illusion of thicker lashes.

In your case, you are in luck since the almond eye shape suits any eyeliner style! The eyeliner styles you choose to indulge in will depend on your personal style and how much lid space you have.


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