How do you choose the right shade for contouring your skin tone?
Asked a year ago
Hey folks! When it comes to contouring, I often struggle to find the right shade that complements my skin tone. How do you personally choose the perfect contour shade that blends seamlessly with your complexion and enhances your features? Thanks in advance for any insights!
Marion Wells
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Another point I'd like to add is that you also need to determine your undertone when choosing a contour shade. This is because not all skin tones suit a cooler-toned contour shade. Deeper skin tones tend to look best with a reddish-toned contour or bronzer, as it does not make them look ashy. If you have fair skin and your skin takes on a peach tone when tanned, then you should choose a contour or bronzer that is peach in tone but meant for contouring. If you have a neutral undertone, you can get away with most contours; just make sure it isn’t too dark for you to avoid looking muddy.
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