What are some contouring techniques that work best for square face shape?
Asked a year ago
Hi all! I've got a square face shape and I'm curious about the contouring techniques that work best for this specific shape. Any advice on how to soften the angles and bring out my features using contour? Any pointers would be so appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Maria Pugh
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Hello. Contouring a square face shape is relatively simple because this shape requires fewer definitions. To start, contour only the sides of your forehead, starting from the temple. Then lightly contour your cheekbones, but do not bring the contour to the front of your face. Lastly, add contour to your jawline to soften it, and ensure this is seamlessly blended! The image below gives you a general overview of the contour placement for the square face shape.
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