What's the best way to determine my skin undertone for foundation matching? - Beauty Banter - Klever Community

What's the best way to determine my skin undertone for foundation matching?

Asked a year ago

Hey folks, I've been struggling a bit with finding the perfect foundation shade. Every time I think I've found the right one, it doesn't seem to match my skin's undertone when I wear it in different lighting. It's starting to feel like a guessing game. Does anyone have a tried-and-true method or tips for accurately determining one's skin undertone? I really want to nail down the right foundation shade. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

Mary Long

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Hey! So, there are two ways you can find out your skin’s undertone:

  1. Check the color of your veins. If your veins are blue in appearance, then you have a cool undertone. If your veins appear green, then you have a warm undertone. If you’re unsure of which color your veins pull more toward, then you likely have a neutral undertone.
  2. This next method consists of testing a foundation closest to your shade at a retail store on bare skin. You do this by applying a small amount of foundation to your jawline and forehead. Choose the foundation that matches your skin seamlessly.

For both methods, I’d suggest doing this in the daytime with natural light. For example, when I go to the store to test out a foundation on my skin, I leave the store and look at the sample in natural light for a more accurate match.

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