What are some mistakes to avoid when contouring and highlighting mature skin?

Asked 10 months ago

Hey folks, Mature skin can be tricky to contour and highlight. Are there any mistakes I should be aware of and avoid when trying to achieve a subtle yet enhancing effect on mature skin? Thanks for helping a fellow makeup enthusiast!

Contouring mature skinHighlighting mature skinContouring mistakesHighlighter mistakes

Claire Zavala

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Hey! So when it comes to mature skin, the best thing to do is to avoid powdery highlighters. If you enjoy powder highlighters, it is best to stick to baked options, as these powders are finely milled and do not enhance texture or fine lines. Cream and liquid products are favored for mature skin when it comes to both contouring and highlighting, as these make your skin look more hydrated and skin-like. Also, avoid applying highlighter to areas you do not wish to bring attention to!

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