What is the best way to remove the eyeliner at the end of the day? - Beauty Banter - Klever Community

What is the best way to remove the eyeliner at the end of the day?

Asked a year ago

Hi everyone! I've been struggling with removing my eyeliner at the end of a long day, and I'm hoping you can help me out. What's your go-to method for effectively removing eyeliner without tugging or causing irritation? Whether it's pencil, gel, or liquid eyeliner, I'd love to hear your advices!

Tiana Pope

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Hi, so here is how I like to remove different types of eyeliner in a gentle way:

Waterproof eyeliner: I apply cleansing oil to a cotton pad and then gently wipe away the eyeliner.

Pencil eyeliner: I apply micellar water to a cotton pad and gently wipe away the eyeliner. If there is more eyeliner left, then I use Q-tips to remove the rest. 

Liquid and gel eyeliner: I choose how to remove this type of eyeliner depending on how quickly I’d like to remove it. Both cleansing oil (that is safe for the eyes) and micellar water do the job, but I find that cleansing oil is quicker, which also means I have to deliberately use face wash to remove all oils.

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